Social Security Offices in Kansas
Here you will find the addresses of the nearest social security offices in the state of Kansas. The offices are shown ordered by distance of each county with respect to the center of Kansas. In any of the following social security offices, you can process your card to receive healthcare.
- Independence Social Security Office, KS
Suite A, 2125 N Penn Ave, Independence, KS 67301
52.44 mi - Lawrence Social Security Office, KS
Ste 200, 1440 Wakarusa, Lawrence, KS 66049
79.63 mi - Lenexa Social Security Office, KS
15375 W 95th St, Lenexa, KS 66219
80.29 mi - Kansas City Social Security Office, KS
850 Nebraska Ave, Kansas City, KS 66101
92.9 mi - Topeka Social Security Office, KS
600 Sw Commerce Pl, Topeka, KS 66615
93.29 mi - Wichita Social Security Office, KS
3216 N Cypress St, Wichita, KS 67226
117.8 mi - Manhattan Social Security Office, KS
Ste A, 1121 Hudson Ave, Manhattan, KS 66503
126.36 mi - Salina Social Security Office, KS
Ste 7, 1410 E Iron Ave, Salina, KS 67401
153.17 mi - Hutchinson Social Security Office, KS
Ste A, 811 E 30th Ave, Hutchinson, KS 67502
155.54 mi - Hays Social Security Office, KS
1212 E 27th St, Hays, KS 67601
240.8 mi - Dodge City Social Security Office, KS
2204 Summerlon Cir, Dodge City, KS 67801
268.47 mi
Social Security offices near Kansas county
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Keep in mind that many of the paperwork with the social security of Kansas can be done online without having to go to the agencies. For your convenience, we recommend first visiting the official social security website to avoid long waits.
(Distance is taken from the center of Kansas)
Social Security offices by State